Mario Mighty, PhD


Associate Professor and GIS Lab Manager


  • Ph.D. University of Florida
  • M.S.  University of Florida
  • B.Sc. University of the West Indies (Mona)

Areas of Expertise

  • GIS
  • Agriculture
  • Sustainability
  • Economic Development
  • Caribbean


  • GE 102 - Global Environment and Societies                                                      dr.mighty2.jpg  
  • GE 260 - People, Place and Culture 
  • GE 321 - Economic Geography
  • GE 322 - Business Geography
  • GE 384 - Geographic Information Systems
  • GE 485 / GE585 - GIS Applications For Business
  • GE 610 - Seminar in Geospatial Science



Selected Publications and Research Contributions

Google Scholar Profile:

ResearchGate Profile:

  • Mighty, Mario A. and Gabriel Granco. 2021. “Modeling Profitability in the Jamaican Coffee Industry.” Agriculture 11(2), 121. DOI:

  • Wanyama, Dan, Mighty, Mario, Sim, Sunhui and Francis Koti. 2019. “A spatial assessment of land suitability for maize farming in Kenya.” Geocarto International. DOI:

  •  Mighty, Mario A. 2017. “We Likkle, But We Tallawah”: Maintaining Competitive Advantage in a Crowded Specialty Coffee Market.” Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/08974438.2016.1266566

  •  Mighty, Mario A. 2016. “What is Sustainability? A Geographer’s Perspective.” Journal of Sustainability Studies 1 (1). Accessible at

  •  Mighty, Mario A. 2016. “The Jamaican Coffee Industry: Challenges and Responses to Increased Global Competition.” In Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean: Climate Change, Gender and Geography, edited by Clinton L. Beckford and Kevon Rhiney, 129 – 153. London: Palgrave McMillan UK. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-53837-6

  •  Mighty, Mario A. 2015. “Site Suitability and the Analytic Hierarchy Process: How GIS Analysis Can Improve the Competitive Advantage of the Jamaican Coffee Industry.” Applied Geography 58 (March 2015): 84 – 93. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.01.010